Rats and mice like our homes almost as much as we do. Interiors provide them with everything they need – food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, they are not good for the buildings they inhabit.
Rodents are constantly gnawing on anything they can find. If they are in your home or business, this can include things like pipes, cords, timber, or plaster. This leaves you vulnerable to water damage or fires.
Aside from property damage, rodents also carry diseases. They contaminate food and leave droppings that carry bacteria and viruses.
How to Prevent Rodents In Your Home
Preventing rodents is not as simple as smashing a bug or setting a trap. Your first line of defence is to prevent them from entering your home or business at all. Securely seal all doors and windows. Make sure the roof and any attic or basement spaces are secure.
Keep food and liquids stored tightly and securely to avoid attracting them. Clean up spills as soon as possible. If you do encounter rodents, call the professionals.
Rodent bait can be toxic if found by kids or pets, and you certainly don’t want them finding dead rodents in the home or business. MAD Pest Management uses kid-safe and pet-friendly methods to trap and remove rodents and keep them out. We eliminate them quickly and efficiently so you don’t have to worry about bait laying around your home.
We can also help seal your home or business to prevent their entry in the first place. Give us a call to remove your rodents today.
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Bring your pest problem to the pros. Call MAD Pest Management today.
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Bring your pest problem to the pros. Call MAD Pest Management today.